Tuesday, February 7, 2017

today was a splendidly unspectacular day ~

u know what's a really shitty feeling? struggling as you try and break off a piece of your (perforated... but thick) chocolate bar and ending up just squishing into the chocolate with your fingers. all your effort for naught as you stare at your now chocolatey fingers and still whole chocolate bar while your stomach grumbles sadly.

also, eating a bar of chocolate at 11:45pm.


this morning i had a screening interview for this job i reeeally want. so much so that i actually have pages on pages of notes and brainstorming for my interviews and so much so that i slept at 2am last night practicing how i'd say hello (?!!)

the screening interview lasted 13 minutes. my hello was awkward. the HR person started off by saying she's swamped today (eee). i still managed to say my piece. HR person kinda sorta said there's actually no role right now (???). we agreed to keep in touch.

i hung up (my bye was awkward too) and stared at myself in the mirror, perplexed at what had just happened.


*here i planned to embed a video for a song on my mind but, alas, my internet is going at slug on drug speed. so please listen yourselves*

bagbak- vince staples
coaster- khalid
replica- the xx


ps: finding little freakin chocolate crumbs here and there from my valiant effort (later solved by just biting into the damn chocolate bar). chocolate manufacturers, if you're reading this-- PERFORATE YOUR CHOCOLATE BETTER. we need some chocolate innovation.

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