Sunday, December 28, 2014


I don't remember what sparked the sudden epiphany but today I got to thinking that there is a mountain of differences between "having faith" and "being faithful", despite the fact that they are both about faith and are commonly interchanged. To me, to have faith is like a momentary state of being and to be faithful is a constant state of being. I mean, duh, I guess.. it's kind of in the words, the +"ful" and the "being" versus the "having". I picture it like dots and lines. I always thought it was weird that a line was, by geometry math-y definitions, a never-ending set of points. So like, a dot is faith and a line (or constant continuous set of dots) is being faithful, ya feel?

I guess I'd consider myself someone that "has faith" but I find it a lot tougher to "be faithful" with/ to a lot of things. Like situationally I can have faith but I don't think I always stay faithful?

This is confusing me now.

Regardless, I wanted to document this thought because as I go into ze new year and look back on the past year, I realized that I need to be more faithful 1) to the things I do 2) to what I believe and 3) in my Big Papa. 2014 was honestly a huge shit show and if I've learned anything, it's that He's faithful (even though I freakin suck) and I need to also be faithful that He'll be faithful, yea?

- Learned the hard way just now that baking your pizza "a little longer" wont give it a desirable ooey gooey cheesiness and crispy crust but will instead turn your pizza into a rock.

- I've now watched this video ~60 times.. please laugh with me..

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