Wednesday, October 22, 2014


This week I've been thinking a lot about things. I don't mean things in a vague pronoun-y way but rather in a object-y, materials kinda way. Have you ever thought about how people, no matter what part of the social strata they are a part of, all want things?? People hoard things (i.e me), some feel that their identify is found in the things they have, many want the next best thing. I think what really struck me was observing how even people that don't have homes seem to have things that they diligently lug around-- in carts, on their backs, etc. Things really seem to have some kind of control over us.

I was mulling over the question, "If your house was burning down what would you grab?" and I think I've come to the conclusion that there isn't one particular thing I really value. If my family (and Louie) was out safe, I think I'd grab my laptop (mostly because it'd be expensive to replace and because it has all my homework LOL) and maybe some small sentimental things like the pillow my grandma made me. Yea, I'd be pretty bummed over losing my clothes but I don't think I'd care too much. Even if I wasn't able to grab my laptop I don't think I'd be too upset. I mean, I'm sure my answer to that question might change throughout my life, which only furthers my idea that there isn't ever one great thing that lasts. Goes to show that all these things we feel so attached to right now are honestly so replaceable and temporary.

On the flip side I think that perspective is so crucial in understanding how amazing the gift of eternal life is. If our things are temporary and even the things we "save from a fire" are useless when we die, they can't compare to eternity. Wow! I really liked this week's sermon+ discussion in community group because it's something I find very hard to really hold on to. I mean, yea, I know these things but how difficult is it to maintain that perspective on the daily? Trying.

In other news, I am recently very thankful for unplanned spontaneous hangouts and conversations with people. Makes life so sweet :-)

Irrelevant sidenote: Was thinking about how if we had a "Humans of Los Angeles" the acronym would be HOLA and laughed because it's so fitting.

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