Saturday, September 13, 2014

Intro(con)verting Into A Social Poop

Hello, hi, hola! It's been a whilezz. I will attribute the absolute dearth of blog posts to my laptop deciding to die this summer. It was rough... it was dark... I didn't think I'd make it... but I did! Wahoooo.

Recap of summer: Laziness. Being at home. Doing nothing. Getting owned by Jesus? No computer. No money. No life.
--Werd, that's all.

While not having a computer was definitely inconvenient (especially in terms of paperwork-y things and losing a whole lot of stuff that was on my computer T__T backup your computers people!!), it was a bit refreshing to not have access to it during a time I would most definitely be wasting by being glued to Netflix, Facebook, etc. I read REAL HARDCOVER BOOKS and journaled in REAL PAPER JOURNALS.

Some things that are currently fluttering around my mind:
1. I have a major problem with my jaw. I have TMD (I always call it TMZ on accident lol) and my jaw will crack and pop every time I yawn and occasionally when I talk/ eat. Sometimes it even gets stuck o_o
2. I just realized how much I like am obsessed with categorizing/ organizing things. I mean, I always knew I liked it but the gravity of the situation never really struck me until just now as I was thinking about how to transition from my thoughts ^ up there to these "thoughts". Must be in a list!
3. I love fluffy things. Fluffy. I want a pet bunny. A pet hedgehog (not very fluffy tho). A pet panda. A pet squirrel.
4. I love driving/ wandering around by myself. Alone time is made significantly better with good music :)
5. Why is everyone getting engaged/ married?!?! I don't even think about relationships.. Sometimes I feel like I'm super behind in "the game of life" but most of the time, I kinda just don't care.

Oh yes, I forgot that there was a purpose (this word is used with air quotes) to this post. I suppose it could've just been added to that list above. But 5 is a pleasant number to end on and because of its relevance to the title, I guess I should give this topic a little more attention..

Basically, I've come to the frightening realization that as I'm becoming more and more introverted, I'm losing all of the little social skills I once had. I think I'm developing a stutter and actually dread meeting up and talking to people sometimes.. heh. When I do end up having a meal with a group or just sitting and chatting with someone I think I end up saying really random and like wtf things HAHA. Even when I'm with people I'm close to or very comfortable with my brain is just like nah. It's not that I feel particularly awkward (only sometimes) but I just suddenly don't know what to do with myself.. lol. At 20something it is a rather grave revelation. But I dunno, maybe I'm just being hyperaware and the people I'm with don't suspect much. I've always been good at pretending~

I've found that nowadays I am most comfortable at home, reading a book in my bed or wandering around cool places by myself. Sometimes I talk to my dog.


Okay, to end on a less crazy note:
Currently reading: Breakfast of Champions- Kurt Vonnegut. I loooove this dude but man this book takes the cake from all of the Vonneguts I have read! He is gr8~ Here is a snapshot to convince you (in case that 8 in gr8 did not)

Currently listening to: ODESZAAAAAA but this one is my favoritest~ Especially for those solitary drives or whilst reading. 

& this Mozart piece that I happened to hear on ze radio :3 

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