Saturday, May 25, 2013

the beginning of the end.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Please turn off all electronic devices until we are safely parked at the gate. Thank you.”

so i was recently in pittsburgh for my brother's grad and i realized that i love the idea of jetsetting and flying places but, in reality, detest the actual process (true for most people?). however, one thing i love most about flying is looking out the window when we begin descending. it's when you get the first glimpse of where you're going, watching the little speckles of light turn into street lights and cars and buildings and wondering what life was like today for the households and people.

but as great as these moments are and as much as i cherish them, they markedly remind me that my flight is coming to an end. it's the last stretch of discomfort and limited leg room until i get to stand up and extend my legs. &right as i hear the light ding and the all-too-familiar announcement, i get antsy, anticipating the moment.

these moments are torture. i start wondering, "didn't we start descending like.. an hour ago" (it's only been like 5 minutes) and all of a sudden my cramped legs start feeling extra sore and my neck seems to crack everytime i move it. at this point, your destination is so close, you just wanna get out and get going! whether you're travelling or returning home, this moment is significant. sleepy nappers awake from uncomfortable slumber and are surprised to see that they've arrived, flight attendants start rushing around, and the plane starts making different noises. as people get ready to be the first ones up and hopefully out (though we all know that honestly doesnt work), i feel tortured. hurryhurryhurry is all i think.

i reckon this is how runners feel when they run marathons or huge races. they say the beginning and the end are the toughest moments in a race. in the beginning you need to find your rhythm and get it going; at the end, you taste victory, you see the finish line.. but have to persevere to the end.

this. is the point i'm at in my life. at the cusp of my youth, ready for but over-anticipating the plunge into adulthood. a year left of a college, a mile left to be run, but i'm exhausted. i'm just itching to be done and out "in the real world" where things HAPPEN and i can do what i want to do and not just what i'm required to do. people say i over-romanticize "the real world" (no, i definitely do), they say i should be cherishing these last bits of youth (cus YOLO) but it doesn't work. it's still torture. it's the beginning of the end, i've begun my descent and i'm ready to arrive at my destination but the plane wont (more like cant.. or shouldnt?) go faster.

so i have decided. hey, i still have this stretch left-- the race isn't finished and i gotta get through it. so just doo it (nike swooooosh) and sit back, take it easy. it's no wonder they make you buckle up for landing.

1 comment:

mimijoe said...

so good and so true! i hope that we can share our experiences together and that we can encourage one another during this year!! <3 <3