Sunday, June 23, 2013

here is a useless blog post

please dont read the title and be misled into believing that my other posts are useful, this one just happens to be particularly useless.
hello. i am in korea. what? yes, i am in korea.

the decision making, ticket buying, and korea arriving happened in a span of abouuut... 4 days and suddenly, im here. (how many times can i reiterate that i am in korea.. im in korea).

it's actually been over a week now but man, working a sedentary job is not the bee's knees. it makes the day pass at a torturously slow rate yet somehow manages to simultaneously eat up my entire week with no recollection to spare. also, i feel so fat working at a desk!!!! i literally come in, sit down, type away at my computer, eat lunch, come back, type away at my computer, eat some snacks, get some coffee, type type, and then i go home (to eat dinner and then sleep). the only exercise i'm getting is hand/ jaw exercise (both of which, i am already a master at). not to mention, there seems to be no work for a lowly intern here at this office. besides the 2 or 3 little tasks i'm given, there is nothing to do.. i spent the first few days (literally) just sitting at my desk wondering what i should do/ how to act before i realized i could spend that time doing something productive (i.e: attempting to culture myself in ad co lingo by perusing ad blogs, teaching myself korean workplace etiquette, teaching myself korean, watching funny commercials [for the sake of "research" namsayin], applying for fall internships, writing blogs, and mastering the art of the furrowed brow).

another culturing experience: the korean work culture. so confusing. well 1) human resources did me no favors in explaining anything when i first started 2) it's very old-fashioned and 3) there seem to be no labor laws here. i mean, there's no process of clocking in or out (i just have to 인사 to the 팀장님), there's no overtime?!, i'm still not sure if theres a set time for lunch/ break, and i find it difficult to keep up with/ contribute to my coworkers' lunchtime discussions. im afraid to offer help/ ask for more work because it seems that wanting to be helpful can be quickly and easily mistaken for impudence (koreans be all about dat hierarchy doe). so here i sit. here i wait. for someone to come over to my desk and be like 현이씨~ hehe. thankfully i realized that it is very simple to appear to be doing something when i have nothing to do (just furrow your brow and look concentrated on a non-incriminating site) so the days pass a little faster now.

ok now, i didnt mean to just complain complain complain and make my job look bad. let me also offer some very great things about my job. 1) i feel all grown up and shiz 2) i am very intrigued by new cultures/ customs 3) people are unbelievably kind to me and 4) i get  a freakin key card that can beep me to any snack that i desire (that's in the store downstairs). also, i am learning quite a bit from my blog "research" and being quite productive with non-work related things ha! in all seriousness though, as confusing as it is to get by in this workplace, im very curious to keep learning about what life's like over here in the mothaland. also i think working here has helped me realize (one possibility of) what i might want to do! copywriting. the best of every world. it lets me do what i love (write), in the field i love (media), and pretend to be what i wish i could be (creative). ta da~! i've been given a few opportunities to help with copy and it's been fun. i am a newb.

so yea, thats whats up with my internship. im actually sitting here right now, furrowing my perfected furrowed brow, typing away on my computer.... writing this blog heeheh. i feel bad.. yet i dont really because i know when there's work they'll give it to me and that if i ask it's weirder (wack). other than my internship, korea has been eating, shopping, and spending time with my mama, which is nice. i have also started compiling a list of "strange things i realized in korea", which i will hopefully post in august when i head back to the states. (side story: i started writing that list on my iphone while riding the subway and actually lost my phone later that day... i was really sad that i wouldnt be able to share my epiphanies but PTL found my phone the next day ^_^)

hopefully, i will be keeping this updated.. but at the same time, hopefully not because if im regularly updating this, that will mean im not getting any work at work........ but maybe here and there when i find something useful (or not) to share! byebye~ 안녕~ (random fact: i find it extremely annoying/ inefficient to have hello& goodbye be the same phrase -__-)

1 comment:

kevin said...

cool word regurgitation picture. like a woman penguin about to feed her human baby penguins. your writing is enjoyable, and i'm especially thankful because you don't use stupid hashtags in your blog