Thursday, February 14, 2013

sh*t procrastinators who have papers to write say

- i should write a blog right now
- whats new on instagram?
- 4 pages in 8 hours is TOTALLY doable
- did anything change on instagram in the last two minutes since i last checked?
- i wonder if anyone's on facebook right now
- omg i got a notification
- did anything change on instagram in the last five minutes since i last checked?
- im hungry
- i should write this paper
- i wonder what happened to my myspace
- did anything change on instagram in the last six minutes since i last checked?
- where can i get coffee right now
- my paper is pretty much coming along
- tetris battle!
- i think i have a really solid outline
- 4 pages in 7 hours is TOTALLY doable
- should i take a nap?
- im hungry
- maybe i should go to the library
- what should i wear tomorrow?
- facebook!
- i wonder if anyone else is awake right now
- its probably a better idea if i took a power nap
- 4 pages in 6 hours is TOTALLY doable
- i've figured out a plan for how to finish this
- whats in the fridge?
- 4 pages in 5 hours is TOTALLY doable
- once i figure out a thesis, the rest will come easily
- im going to check out every obscure website i haven't been on in years
- my eyeballs hurt
- whats new on instagram?
- should i ask my professor for an extension?
- 4 pages in 4 hours is TOTALLY doable.. thats 1 page an hour, easy..
- this prompt is so confusing
- im tired
- this is such a useless topic
- 4 pages in 3 hours is.. totally doable
- im just going to put my head down for a second
- where did all my time go?!
- 4 pages in 2 hours.. 2 pages per hour... totally doable..
- im screwed
- this is hopeless
- i only have an hour left
- just bs it!!
- *)(@*$#)(#@*$)(#@*$@#
- that was the worst paper i've ever written
- i wish i spent more time on that

4 pages in 7 hours is TOTALLY doable.

1 comment:

mimijoe said...



but... 4 pages in 8 hours= TOTALLY do-able...