Sunday, January 6, 2013

if there was ever a trivia game about me, here's what you'd need to know:

*note: i apologize in advance for this utterly useless-- somewhat narcissistic (i always spell that word wrong on my first try..) post that will not benefit you guys unless there was a trivia game dedicated entirely to me*

on second thought, dang, this is totally an altruistic post. i mean, i just want you guys to win if there was ever a trivia game about me. i just want the best for you guys :') HAHA

well, with that preface and stupidity out of the way, here are some (subjectively) interesting facts about me that, like i said, nobody has a use for but i want to share anyway:

1) my left foot is bigger than my right foot. by an entire half size!! this means i'm either wearing a slightly loose right shoe or that my left shoe is tight/ causing me pain.

2) i'm not a picky eater but there are a few things that i absolutely hate: 1) raw shellfish- i had really hoped that i would grow to like raw oysters.. but alas, never.. 2) pine nuts- BUT WHY THEY GOTTA BE IN PESTO PASTA ALL THE TIME?! 3) tomatoes by themselves- i cringe on others' behalves when i see people eating them like apples ugh 4) grapefruit- this is also something i sobadly wished i would grow to like but no, i cannot stand bitter things blegh 5) most sour things- they actually physically cause me pain.

3) on that note, here are some foods that i unusually adore: 1) raw cucumbers- i can eat these babies by themselves for days, so refreshing! and i love how crunchy they are hehe 2) avocados- where do i even begin? though i prefer eating them raw, they taste good no matter how they're prepared!! AHHH 3) carrotorange juice- omg, the perfect combination of sweet and tasty~ plus they're packed with vitamin c and good for yo eyez! 4) salmon- omgomgomg, much like the avocados that i adore, i will eat salmon in any variation; raw, smoked, cooked, teriyaki'd.. even better? salmon+avocados!! AHHH AHHH AHHHHHHH

4) there is a weird pot/vase thing outside my house that looks like a gremlin and it scares the crap out of me. its only use? i used to secretly throw unwanted flintstone vitamins and cherry tomatoes in there on my way out the door to school. also, my mom has constantly moved the thing because she hates it too but our gardeners seem to find it endearing or something because it remains in our yard..

5) i almost never have nightmares, or at least spooky dreams with monsters/ gore/ etc. but i have recurring dreams of being chased and they are, in my opinion, way scarier than any monster. these dreams have resulted in my hating being chased.

6) on the subject of dreams, i almost always have outrageously strange ones.

7) i have relative pitch. though not as impressive as having perfect pitch, this particular skill comes in handy when i need to tune instruments. in other words, as long as i know what one note is, i can figure out the rest! unfortunately though, it takes me some whiles to identify the notes, so basically, this is whatevers.

8) 8 is my favorite number.

9) i recently found out that i have a unique heart condition that makes my heart literally flutter.. like consistently. it's not malignant in any way but has given me something to feel special about once in awhile :)

10) my korean name is hyun. yes, that's it. one syllable. i hated it when i was younger because it sounded so ugly but i've grown to like it (unlike those damn oysters& grapefruit). it's a little awkward though because i think it's a unisex name so i have the same name as a buncha guys too.

11) i played violin for.. i dont even know.. 13? years of my life but wasn't a huge fan of it. my mom still made me play in a bunch of orchestras till i graduated high school so i sneakily switched to percussion and played both in middle school and eventually stopped playing violin entirely in the latter half of high school to play percussion (aka, lay in the back of the bandroom and do nothing) i was even the principle percussionist my junior and senior year of high school HAHAHA.

12) i had the extremely awesome privilege of being a manager at a non-profit organization in 2012. it was fun while it lasted but i stepped down recently to focus on school.

13) i like orange juice better than milk with breakfast (unless im eating cereal, then no OJ) but i like the two equally.

14) bloody noses are a specialty of mine. since i was young, i've had random bloody noses all the time. it got to the point that they stopped phasing me. i like to say that i have developed a bloody nose "spidey sense" where i can feel them coming.

15) this is really random but my best friend and i were once on the cover of a KoreAm magazine. not specifically but as a part of one of the covers about the census or something.

16) i absolutely LOVE grammar. when i get asked a question about grammar, i explain with much gusto. i love that grammar is methodical/ formulaic but also very creative/ freeform. this love for grammar, however, has also become my achille's heel (at least academically). i obsess and stress over every paper i write and cannot move on until i am completely satisfied. this usually results in late/ incomplete papers.. (shoutout to mah gurl stefatty)

17) i used to be terrified of awkward situations, even the potential for awkward situations. during my freshman year of college (when i realized that college= many of these situations), this problem escalated to the point of mild hyperventilation at the mere thought. on that note, i prefer socializing in bigger groups (unless it's a close friend). i also prefer public speaking to awkward 1-on-1's with people i dont know well.

18) i dont like going to the movies. when i hang out with my friends, i'd rather actively do something or chat with my friends than go sit in a dark room and stare at a screen.

19) (not including people) i am attracted to anything that is soft& fluffy. my mom used to reprimand me every time we walked into a department store because i would rub my face on all the fancy fur coats/ trims. i still would, if i could..

20) i used to think alaska was an island * embarrassing*

21) i have an incurable wanderlust. i hate staying in one place for extended periods of time. thankfully, my parents have given me many opportunities to travel in my 20 years of life. in my sophomore year i travelled to ireland, poland, slovakia, and the czech republic with my euro history class and in the summer between my freshman and sophomore year of college i went to uganda, africa for a month for short term missions. the summer after that (last summer), i went to an orphanage in a small rural city in china and, of course, i love going to my birthplace-- korea! some places i want to go/ havent been: london, australia, new zealand, japan, greece, brazil, and egypt! heck, anywhere! everywhere!

22) despite my amazing ability of talking too much, i am much better at articulating myself in writing. thus i prefer texting to phone calls, and emails to meetings. hehe, antisocial~~

23) pinkberry > yogurtland. forever.

23) i used to think that parents could be purchased at home depot.

24) i love stuffed animals. i know it's really childish of me but i still have hordes of stuffed animals and i cant bring myself to give them away or get rid of them. to be honest, i used to/ still kinda feel like they have feelings and have to be given attention..

25) people-watching is one of my favorite past-times. as creepy as it sounds, i really enjoy just seeing people walk around and wondering what their lives are like.

okay, i just realized this is a futile post because in a trivia game, one would need to know everything about my life and unfortunately (or fortunately for those of you that have made it this far) i dont have the time for that.

also, 25 is such a pleasant number to stop on.

anyway, i hope that this list will someday be a benefit to somebody. goodnight.


mimijoe said...

this was so cute/funny~

i was actually quite surprised at how many i know..o__o

candy. said...

LOL. oh awkward michelle. BAHAHA

stefatty said...

" to be honest, i used to/ still kinda feel like they have feelings and have to be given attention.."