Thursday, February 14, 2013

happy valentine's day

wow, two posts in the span of 12 hours?!

actually i just felt obligated to write a more substantial post.. mainly because i dont like how unbalanced my first post looks...

well, i seem to have uncanny luck with my assignments (or, as i like to call it, forevergrace!).
so, being the slacker that i am, i literally went through the process that i laid out earlier this morning (see below post), except i didn't finish.. and i did actually email my professor about the extension. i figured i would just take the half-grade deduction and get an extra day to suffer.. BUT, i went to class today and my professor's like, if you can turn the paper in online by 9:30AM, i won't penalize you at all! wooo!
but now i better finish it by 9:30AM then, you know??

and then we didnt have class today so i get a whole 3 hours to review for my midterm! splendid.

ok, now that i got that rundown of my day thus far out of the way, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! i hate this holiday. i wanted to dress nice today to feel better about my lacking a valentine but after not sleeping.. i wasn't in the mood. so today, on this fine valentine's day, i look like an absolute bum. like a bum that was going to go on a run.

my fingers are also taped together because of my messed up finger and typing with two fingers taped together is pretty funny. and difficult. and frustrating. and inefficient. because my ring finger cannot reach its keys without my fat middle finger following along, i feel like my finger's just super heavy and immobile. i either have to 1) tilt my whole hand awkwardly to assist (omg s's are so hard..) my ring finger or 2) use my pointer finger for every key on my left hand. suffice to say, i look really silly. (sidenote: my ring finger seems to enjoy pressing the e key whenever it pleases).

but while my ring finger has been taking "time off" i've realized just how difficult it is to function with one less finger. i didn't think it'd be a big deal but there are a lot of basic functions (like typing) that have gotten slower since. yet another reason to give thanks. health is definitely one thing i take for granted way too often.

yea.. okay, this post was completely pointless. well, i wanted to write more but im getting annoyed at my hand's inability to function correctly and also i am freaking tired. and alsoalso, i should be studying for my midterm.

a very merry february 14th to you all!

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