Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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Today I felt the urge to physically write down everything that was bothering me. So I went to the bookstore, bought a journal, and furiously wrote 5 pages of frustrations, worries, fears, and regrets. DUDE. It is one of the greatest feelings. I'm hoping to fill the journal by the end of the school year, not necessarily with negative things but just anything that's on my mind. I think once I got busy with school and used to blogging, I stopped physically journalling but it's a nice change. It's fun to read back on it later too and see where I grew and learned. Retrospect is 20/20.

On another note, I feel like I've been having a bunch of mini anxiety attacks lately. I say "I feel like.." because I don't actually know what an anxiety attack feels like.. but I would imagine it's similar to the crazy emotional panics I've been having these days. I'll be driving to school and then all of a sudden think of something that'll make me literally break into a sweat and make me feel like I can't breathe. It's a crazy feeling. I've also been feeling like I need to cry, which is really strange because I am generally a rather emotion-less person. The brain is truly a mysterious thing.

I feel like Daughter is perfect for rainy gloomy weather :)

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