Monday, March 17, 2014

Just Do It!

Please excuse the childish cursive& ugly sketch.. currently learning how to use my little brother's drawing tablet!
Hoping I'll get better at drawing so I can make little doodles for all my posts~

Today I went on a run. While on this run, I realized many many things: 1) I hate running& have zero endurance 2) the human body is kinda incredible and 3) I have really stupid insecurities.

1) I am a horrible runner. People seem to assume I'm super fit& in shape because I enjoy sports and am.. tall? Alas, it is untrue (though I guess I'm still tall). I probably spend more time in workout clothes for the comfort they provide than to actually participate in any form of exercise. Also, while I do enjoy playing sports and consider myself relatively athletic, I have learned that running is really not my forte. I get tired really easily and feel like I have asthma after running a mile or two. Plus my absolute lack of endurance makes me want to give up after the first 10 seconds or so of jogging (and I usually just do).

2) On a somewhat related note, the human body is really crazy. Even though I have zero endurance and hate running, I find it really incredible how my body is able to keep running, just because my mind pushes it to. Like, I'll run and think that I need to stop but if my mind says NO and I tell myself "just to that next lamppost" "just one more lap!" I'm actually able to do just that (as long as my mind doesn't give up). While doing crossfit I've come to learn the importance of pushing our bodies to get to "the next level" so that we're continuously improving, even if the improvement is miniscule. For instance, when I run a mile and think "okay, going to stop now.. my heart is going to explode" (don't judge me please), if I'm able to force my legs to keep going for another 20 yds, 50 yds, 100 yds, it's like I passed a level that my mind didn't think my body could handle. Therefore, the next time I run the bar is set higher and I'm able to run just a little longer. It's pretty amazing to think that our bodies are able to keep improving like that. I wonder if there's a maximum level.. what happens then? Super saiyan??

3) Insecurities. Post run, I did a little bit of conditioning in my garage and was really discouraged while looking at my legs lolll. Despite the recent barrage of cliche "beauty is skin deep" "love yourself" campaigns that media is saturated with (see: Dove), I think there are some insecurities that we girls simply can't shake. While I have many insecurities, I'd have to say one of my weirder ones is the one about of my calves. I mean what can a girl do after looking at all the pretty pictures on Tumblr and seeing friends or celebrities that have long super skinny/ super lean legs that look awesome in shorts and jeans and skirts and boots? I've come to the realization that no matter what I do and how much I try, my legs (and especially my calves) will always be muscular-y and big. I was kind of sad for a second and then I realized that I'm stupid. Here I was poking at muscles in my legs and thinking about how annoying it was that God blessed me with legs at all. Legs that allow me to jump, run (slowly), and walk wherever I want. It's such a petty thing for me to care about.

There was a fun fact I wanted to end with but I completely forgot when I started playing around with the drawing tablet.. guess it wasn't fun enough to be remembered.

1 comment:

mimijoe said...



But yes, God gave us legs!