Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I'm up right now because I (stupidly) decided to paint my nails before I went to bed and am now waiting for them to completely dry (because how do we ever avoid that fabric imprint in the morning??) However, being the idiot that I am, whilst watching tv shows and distracting myself, I ended up sitting on my hands (lul) because my hands were cold (&also losing circulation because I had subconsciously been holding them up). Sigh, ruined.

ANYWAY, I'm not entirely sure why I decided to write tonight. I feel like I felt like I had a good reason when I opened this webpage but I forgot as soon as I sat on my hands loll.
What have I been up to... I've started learning how to code with some friends! Just for kicks hahah.. but I'm really diggin it! It's still ridiculously confusing but weirdly fun? &I'm excited to be learning something that's actually useful in this day and age loll. Plus I love the instant gratification of seeing the code come alive in web form! Sometimes I wonder if I would have done better in a major like math or engineering, etc. I always thought I would've hated it because it's very rigid but I think I needed (at least some of) that rigidness in my education to keep me motivated. It's hard to feel accomplished or satisfied when you know that your answer isn't ever 100% right (because there really isn't a 100% right answer..). I mean, sure, when you do do well, it feels good because the idea and answer is all your own, but there's little problem solving involved-- namsayin?

So many thoughts these days.. I've been jotting down things that I want to blog or journal about but never really getting around to doing anything. One day I swear I'm just going to sit down and write them all in one sitting (yea right). But I wish there was some place to put all these thoughts that are just swirling in my head (without physically typing it out lol..). Like I said before, I feel like when I don't have a person/ persons to empty these thoughts upon, they stay stuck inside or come out in blog form (like so) and since I feel like I haven't had like a non-superficial conversation with anyone in like months, I've been feelin a bit.. thought constipated? HAHA ew. So if I can motivate my lazy self, I suppose you might see more blogs from me (then you'll know I'm feeling sad and friendless).

Okayy, I believe my nails are pretty much all dry.. I'm also ridiculously tired.

Here is a farewell song (dude, I've been listening to some amazing music these days ._.) listen with headphones for heightened experience~

AND NOW, here is a cliffhanger last question to leave you all hanging on the edge of your seats until we meet again: WILL I WAKE UP IN TIME TO GO TO THE GYM TOMORROW MORNING?!


1 comment:

mimijoe said...

tis always a pleasure to read your posts mbai! hehe
ditto to a lot of things. i hope you find a way/someone/a venue to dump all of your thoughts in-- it's really frustrating when everything's just up there but constipation is NOT good for your body so release it any way you can!

and that song got exponentially better when i plugged in my headphones. dat bass!

miss you cheengoo!