Sunday, November 3, 2013


I sincerely believe that there is a little fold/ black hole/ 구멍 in the universe in which all stray bobby pins, rogue jewelry, single socks, and random knick knacks fall into.

Seriously though, where do all the things we lose in our room go??

I was randomly looking through some old pictures and suddenly realized that I hadn't seen a specific pair of sunglasses in a while.. and I definitely hadn't worn them enough to have lost them somewhere, so they had to be somewhere in my room! But I recently moved.. so why hadn't I seen it when I moved? I figured it was probably in a box or something (I tend to just throw random things into boxes/ bags/ drawers because I am a lazy butt and only fake clean) so I rummaged through my stuff and found a whole lot of lost treasures (especially in my bags) but no sunglasses!! Rummaging was quite an adventure though. Found a lot of my favorite lipglosses, earrings, and rings that I thought had been lost forever and even stumbled upon a little bag of gifts I brought from Korea.. and never gave.. hahha and, of course, I probably collected 100 or so bobby pins..

But where are the sunglasses?? And that one ring that I spent days in Korea deliberating about and finally buying (and then dropping in my room)?? And how come my socks are losing their pairs?!

I swear there's a hole in the universe.

Unrelated note:
This song was my JAM. Word on the Korean street says G.O.D is going to make a comeback in the next year!! & what better way to celebrate than to reminisce?? My family used to blast this in our cassette player when I was in grade school and take turns singing different parts lol. It was also our karaoke song of choice. It's kind of funny to hear it now with a better understanding of Korean because I definitely just sang gibberish of what I thought they were saying before.. it's hard to sing along now hahahaha

Also, that picture...

1 comment:

mimijoe said...

GUHHHH G.O.D. T_____T i am so sad.

and also, DITTO to the black hole for our belongings.