Wednesday, July 31, 2013

this& that

I am back!

Things are slow once again.. but I think even the slow-ness is something to learn from. Trying not to develop a bad attitude because I'm bored loll.. and I've decided to make the best of my time here (even if it's work-less and boring at times). I'm slowly getting more lazy but trying to snap out of it and work hard until my last day (which has been moved up! wahoo)!

Things of interest these days to me:

1) Achieving the perfect Korean eyebrow: I'll be honest, Korea has made me even more superficial than I was before. Yup, there it is. No shame. I'm really digging finding the best Korean makeup products in this promised land of cosmetics and since life here is often dull, I'm trying to spruce it up by playing with makeup/ cleansers/ face masks/ lotions. Everything is so darn cute and cheap! Plus it works just as well as (if not better than) most American stuff!! But I digress.. back to the perfect Korean brow! Yes, so in my pursuit of upping my makeup/ facial routine I've been checking out magazines/ videos/ pictures/ people around me and I've noticed that Koreans have very cute eyebrows. LOL wow I sound ridiculous.. but it's true (and apparently often discussed)! Compared to the harsh very "vixen-y" arched eyebrows of the American (see figure 1) Koreans have very cutesy, innocent-like flat eyebrows (see figure 2).
(figure 1) Megan Fox

(figure 2) IU
I suppose it has to do with the way our eyebrows grow because I don't think I/ nor many Koreans can really pull off the Megan fox brow.. but I think the flatbrow looks good/ works well with Korean faces/ eyes.

Unfortunately my eyebrows seem to be ill-fitted for either option as they are neither completely flat nor extremely arched. And I'm definitely not going to go pluck them all out and draw them in (see figure 3).. can you say CHOLA.
(figure 3) yikes
But I've been watching tutorials/ reading blogs/ studying more pictures to see how I can achieve a brow that suits my face. I'm a big fan of this models' (figure 4)! It's like a very nice mix of US& Korea haha
(figure 4) Han Jin
Honestly, I really think eyebrows make all the difference! They are still freakin weird to me (why do we have strips of hair on our faces?!) but since we have them and there's no going back on that.. let us use them to make ourselves more prettiful puhahahaha.

-- Okay wow that was a really long rant about eyebrows LOL--

2) What to do with my life: Alright, let's be real. This is always on my mind and I'm sure my few readers are well aware if they've been keeping up with my blog lol.. But I've been applying to/ hearing back from internships and I'm not sure which way I want to go! I definitely think my time here at HS Ad so far has made me realize that I really like advertising/ copywriting but there's still a piece of my heart that's stuck on fashion... I think I've been fighting the urge to get into fashion because I find it extremely cliche to be a girl that wants to get into that industry but then I'm like WHO CARES IT'S MY LIFE!!!! Plus I think I'd want to do editorial stuff and who knows how long that industry's going to last... but yes.. hoping I can make a smart decision because this next year's internships should be very intentionally picked! My last chance!

Internships in consideration!
WhoWhatWear Fashion Editorial Internship: To be honest, I was never an avid follower of this blog but I've definitely checked it out a few times and know that it's pretty awesome. Sounds ideal but a friend of mine who interned there before (different department) said it's hell LOL. I don't want to believe her but I'm not surprised either. I think that's another thing that's holding me back from getting into fashion.. it's literally starting from the bottom (now we here).


Deutsch LA Internship: Okay, honestly this internship is so far the most appealing to me because it seems like a more realistic career opportunity (whereas WWW is more like ooh fun~!). Plus the building looks freaking amazing LOL. But yes! Deutsch is one of LA's better advertising firms and it's not too far from home plus they have a really legit internship program! Ughhhlkajfd fingers toes and everything else crossed!!!

StyleHaul Digital Media Internship: This is kind of the randomest internship of the list because I'm not much of a YouTube junkie.. but it's fashion and digital media which are two realms that I'm interested in. Not sure how I feel about this one.

Disney Audience& Market Internship: This one is less advertising/ more marketing, which I don't have that much experience in but it sounds really interesting to me! I've done a good amount of audience research here in Seoul and I feel like it would be a useful opportunity.. plus DISNEY! But yea, I'm a little less hopeful for this one because I'm sure it's really crazy competitive and I doubt I'll even hear back from them.

That's about it! I also applied to The Hollywood Reporter but they asked me to do an assignment and I suddenly realized I wasn't that interested after all LOL. 

Also, while I'm at this information overload.. here are some advertising agencies that I'd love to work for one day but haven't applied to because they're not in LA/ way out of my league: 

1) Wieden+ Kennedy: my FAVORITE advertising agency!! watch the below ad and disagree, i dare you. I'd be so stoked to intern there but their west coast office is in Portland =/ not a realistic commute if you namsayin...

2) Oglivy: a very close second! They have a really stellar internship/ training program but it's impossibly difficult to get in, from what I hear.. 

3) BBH: SIR Hegarty! haha.. they have an LA branch too but rumor has it that the LA branch is less advertising and more music publicity? If I were to apply I'd want to work in the NY or London office o__o

4) GREY: Okay, this is the most impossible because Grey is in LONDON but LOOK AT THIS AD UGHHH!! I WANT TO MAKE ADS LIKE THIS. I think there's a NY branch too but.. still not in LA..

OKAY, that's it. Now what's on my mind is food. I am hungry. Hope this blog was stimulating with all the visual references and what not :3


candy. said...

doode... ogilvy and mather T_T

stefatty said...

aww michelle you're off to such big things :') brings a tear to my eye.

andy as well.
you talented kiddos