Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I'm alive

I didn't realize that I abruptly ended my Korea updates here on my blog, hah... I meant to post a summary of my time in Korea and I even compiled a very thorough list of interesting things that I noticed while in Korea just for this blog buuut due to some serious difficulties with my electronics, I believe it is now lost in cyberspace. If I ever come upon it again, I will make sure you, my mysterious audience, are the first to know.

Random thoughts:

Has there ever been a study on how guys' hormones affect their emotions? Because I firmly believe that there is a male equivalent of PMS. Ugh, and it is really unattractive when a guy is over-emotional. Sorry, that's kind of mean.. but I have realized that I am generally adverse to high amounts of emotion.

God is fair. Anyone that seems perfect has one really unforgivable flaw... LOL ok that was a bit overdramatic but you get what I mean, yea? Nobody's perfect (I gotta werk itt~ [so sad, I miss Hannah Montana]). But yes, tis true.. and I can give you a billion case studies.

I am realizing many more of the stupid idiosyncrasies of my personality. I prefer to keep a small group of close friends and keep everyone else at arms length. If I don't like someone, I just don't hang out with them. I don't really give people second chances when it comes to my impression of them (I try though-- I promise!)  it's not like I'll straight up be like "I dont like you!" and be mean to them or ignore them.. I just keep them in a separate box in my mind. I don't dislike them. In fact, I don't think I actually dislike many people. I just don't like them. There is a difference, really. On that note, I feel very uncomfortable when I'm stuck with people I don't like because I don't like pretending I like them. 
[sidenote: I am revealing some serious issues and I realize I probably sound like serious bizatch but since you, my mysterious audience, have chosen to read my blog, I hope you deal with it and get over it]

Commuting is confusing my brain into thinking that every day I'm not at school is a weekend. Soo, suffice to say, I get very little work done on my free days.. which is a problem.. because I have a lot of work to do for the 3 days I do have school. I already almost forgot to do homework assignments for two of my classes. Time to get mah shiiit togetha.

My room has been in disarray for like a week or so now. I hate unpacking (yes, I'm still unpacking from Korea.. I got back on the 14th.. of August.. let that sink in #nojudgementinthenameofJesus). But for real, it's been a mix of unpacking, laundry-ing my clothes from Korea (because Korea has a weird stink that has permeated my entire suitcase), and reorganizing furniture in my room. Plus, I'm lazy. Plusplus, it's a lot easier to find things when they're in piles on my floor and not in drawers. Yes, I'm a disgusting girl, get over it.

I promised myself I'd get fit this year so I boldly told KCM people I'd be down to do Tough Mudder with them (LOLOL WHAT WAS I THINKING..) now, for accountability's sake they are making sure I keep to my word and start training with them. So I started running and working out on my own last week and, let me just say, I am soooo out of shape. Please pray for me. Because I think I might die at Tough Mudder-- if I don't die at the training sessions first. Please also pray that I can think of a convincing excuse to back out~ JK, I should do this..

I'm thankful that I feel more attached to KCM this year. I think detaching myself from certain things/ people helped me remember why I love this ministry so much. Hoping to invest in more of the people there since I did such a bad job these past two years.. Also, not serving on core is kind of weird..

This girl has so much swag. Can't believe she's like.. 16? What was I doing when I was 16?! There has to be something in the waters by New Zealand because they produce some really talented/ creative folk. One day I'd like to live there and try these waters~


I'm hungry.

1 comment:

stefatty said...

1. I'm glad you're alive
2. 야 임마 (in regards to profranity). oops, forgot about #nojudgementinthenameofJesus
3. what happened to ze laptop?! forgot about the pasta drama
4. I pray 4 u