Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Notable Moments of Today (NMoT)

1) Bought some Hello Kitty band-aids at the convenience store downstairs with my work card (feelin' like a boss.. a really asian HelloKittybandaid- adorned one)
2) Watched 3.5 episodes of a Korean drama.. at work (feelin' like a sneaky boss)
3) Hailed a taxi WITHOUT FIRST RIDING THE BUS DOWN this morning. There's never taxis in the area by my aunt's house.. I always have to waste time and a little bit of money when I'm running late and ride the bus down the hill before I can find a taxi. Twas fate because by the time I got to the bus stop I had realized that I left my bus card at home.. 
4) Heard a joke from one of my co-workers who I was kind of scared of before! (he joked about how our cell needs to establish who gets to wear stripes when because everyone keeps wearing stripes on the same day and matching heh) He always looks so angry but he's actually rather funny..
5) Took some initiative and tried something on my own (since I have so much time) and semi- pitched it to one of the 차장님s. He wants to meet tomorrow to talk about it!! (felt like a boss boss)
6) The 부장님 of my team told me that he trusts my opinion on anything related to English!! (this shouldn't be that big of a deal but I've always felt like he thought I was kinda useless) And he said it after disputing something with the bitchy unni that has been a thorn in my side
7) Bitchy unni and I were assigned to rewrite some copy for one of our projects so we each turned in a few options and the two they picked were both mine~ 

There are a few more (i.e: I just ate a wrap) but I think I shall stop boring you all today.


sidenote: must stop writing lists..
sidesidenote: I realize that none of this is very interesting to my 2-3 readers but I would like to disclaim that it is mostly for my own memories' sake~


1 comment:

mimijoe said...

i feel very offended that you think that i don't find this interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HEHEHE i miss you a lottt a tonsss a muchoooosss
and you keep popping up everywhere in our conversations!!!!

hurry back! (although i'm so jealous of your life in korea...)