Thursday, July 11, 2013

Irrational Fears

Fear is rational. When someone is running at you with a chainsaw, it is a-ok to run screaming for your life and be scared. When you see a spider that is probably dangerous, it is (for the most part) a-ok to scream a little and make someone else kill it. When you are stuck in your car in a thunder storm, it is a-ok to start fearing for your life.

But then, there are irrational fears. Fear of things that are not supposed to be feared.. fear of the possibility of things, I guess? Maybe we are too imaginative. Today I felt that irrational fear.. which led me to think of a number of other irrational fears. So here you all go, I'm sure most of these are universal..

1) Closed toilet seats: This is what caused my heart to pound today as I went to the bathroom. I suppose it isn't as big of a deal to guys since they don't frequent public toilets as much as girls... seeing as they have a urinal.. which doesn't have a lid.. but I DIGRESS. Yes, closed toilet seats. What mysteries could they hold? Does it mean the toilet is broken? Does it mean someone couldn't flush their business and when you open it you will be met with a really unpleasant sight?? Is there a dead body in there? Is there an animal trapped in there? Honestly, the brain does wonders. Usually when I see this, I pick a different stall.

2) Flushing airplane toilets: Ok, I promise this list isn't going to just be about toilets but this is definitely one of my bigger irrational fears. Ever since I was little I have not been able to flush the toilet in the airplane without plugging my ears. I don't know what it is about airplane toilets.. are they louder than others?? Maybe it's the quick suction and the sound of air rushing through but I feel like when the toilet flushes a little portal to the outside of the plane is suddenly going to open and I'll be emptied out with the plane's sewage. Also, I didn't even know there was some myth that you can get sucked into one (I just found out while googling "irrational fears") but that's def going to make things worse.

3) Open closet doors: Don't lie. You too fear the closet door that is left slightly ajar. There's something ridiculously frightening about a slightly open closet door. Like, something went in there to hide and left a little peep hole to watch you. Or in their hurry to hide they didn't close it all the way. Also, you start wondering.. why is that open? Did I do that? Once again, the imagination takes over.

4) Driving behind trucks holding big loads: Maybe this is slightly rational. But I am really scared to drive behind trucks that have a lot of stuff in the back. I think it might stem from accidentally watching a scene in Final Destination (idk which number..) where some girl's driving behind a truck holding a bunch of logs or something and they get undone and fall straight through her front window and kill her. So yea.. but I mean it doesn't even have to be logs or big things.. even if the truck is just full of a bunch of random stuff (i.e: couches, desks, chairs) you really don't know how/ if/ when that'll come tumbling down onto your car.

5) Trailers: Okay, I think this is pretty irrational but trailers give me the heeby jeebies. Even if it's parked in broad daylight, especially if it's old. I think the mysteriousness of it scares me the most? Like the fact that there could be a cute little family on vacation in there...... or a sociopath! I blame Hollywood for always making trailers and trailer parks into creepy lairs and hiding places for serial killers.

6) Empty chairs at night: Ugh, this always kills me. I hate when I get in my bed and get all nice and cozy.. only to realize that the chair at my desk is pulled out. I think there's a Korean myth that says that if you leave your chair out like that a demon will come sit there and watch you sleep. Yea, creepy. Scarring-- in fact. So now whenever I see a chair out, even just a little, I have to get out of my bed and push the chair all the way under my desk.

7) Exposed limbs at night: I am positive that this too, like the ajar closet door, is a universal irrational fear. There is something about blankets that seem.. protective? Like if you can just put that thin piece of fabric between yourself and the rest of the world, all will be okay. Thus when my toes poke out, or a bit of my arm is sticking out, I suddenly feel as if I've become all that more vulnerable. Not that it ever stops me once I'm asleep.. but at least before I'm sleeping I like to keep all arms, legs, feet, and hands inside my blankets.

8) Mirrors: Mirrors are amazing-- if you really think about them. They are the basis for the first cameras, they can reflect light, they're really the only way you can ever see your face, and they're used for all sorts of other things. Even the mere idea that a solid thing can reflect an image is really spectacular to me. BUT. Mirrors are also frightening because they show a reflection.. which sometimes seems like it could be separate from reality. For instance, when I wash my face and then look up at the mirror I'm always a little nervous that I'll see something behind me LOL. Also, sometimes I'm scared I'll look in the mirror and not see myself but someone else. Alsoalso, sometimes I look at my own face in the morning and it's frightening.


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