Tuesday, July 2, 2013


okay, remember when i was complaining about having no work? well, i take it all back because the gods of the workforce have been overblessing me these days (jk, there's only one God and i don't think there is such thing as being overblessed). in all seriousness though, after an entire half-week or so of idly sitting in front of my computer, i am suddenly being asked to do so many different things and heading home around 9 or 10PM (this is not a humble brag, the work i get is usually tedious/ useless, i think they just feel bad for me lol). it's fun (sometimes) but i think i'd die having to do this for the rest of my life.

one unforeseen problem i have encountered in korea is language. and im not talking about korean. i mean, duh, it's a little hard to function in this korean company when my korean is not entirely professionally proficient but i'm having a harder time speaking english nowadays LOL.

when i do speak english, i'm tempted to speak like it's my second language (hopefully it isn't offensive) and end up unintentionally leaving out all my articles ("should we go to store?") and on top of all THAT, i've been thinking (and sometimes speaking) with an accent (it varies from British to Australian but includes all those Slovak countries as well). i tried to figure out why this was, and realized it probably has to do with the fact that my only source of English now is Game of Thrones and the korean- australian manager in our team. i've only recently started Game of Thrones (probably last week?) but i average 2-3 (1-hour) episodes a day and am currently more than halfway through the most recent season HAHA. basically life has been: wake up, go to work, come back from work, watch GoT, go to sleep-- repeat. riveting, i know. but that much exposure to various accents has really been taking a toll on my brain. oh, and the korean-australian manager! he said he lived in australia from jr high (or as he says, second form) until post-grad so he's pretty fluent in both english and korean. it's so bizarre though because even when he speaks in korean, it sounds australian hahahaha. also, he looks just like one of my cousins from san jose o_O.... but back to the point, because i am lacking exposure to true "'murican english", my ears perk at the sound of any american tourist i run into (which happens quite frequently, to my surprise) i am so so tempted to chat with every person i see that is obviously not korean (like OBVIOUSLY or just like oh they're def korean-american). i imagine myself being all like "HELLO IM NOT FROM HERE EITHER! LETS HANG OUT AND BE FRIENDS" and then they're like YAY! and then we're like OMG BFF's FOR LYF (or the summer).. except i don't expect that'd realistically play out too well, hm. but i'm so curious as to why some of these folk would be in korea. like if i weren't korean i dont think i'd find much desire to visit. there really isn't much here besides food, shopping, and kpop.. well, if you're into that (i am into those things.. lol)
personal goal: i will befriend at least 1 non-Korean person while i am here. preferably in a non-creepy way.

okay, i should probably pay attention and do work or something. i shall leave you all with a cool korean song i recently stumbled upon, its got a nice dace-y beat and a retro feel.. plus the music video is lyk omg tho hipthta artsay:

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