Monday, December 17, 2012

winter break resolutions

because new year resolutions are so last year..
or because a) i always forget to make new year resolutions b) im impatient and c) im extremely bored and prone to wasting time when i have opportunities to sleep

1. read more books. i'm talking about ACTUAL physical, tangible, bound paper books. while taking laboring dying over finals, especially papers, i felt extremely uninspired. not too uncommon, i suppose, but it's definitely troubling for somebody whose future career will probably largely revolve around intensive writing and creativity. i remember being a lot more proactive about these things in high school so i retraced my steps, i realized that somewhere between getting to college and having a new social life, i had left all my little bookish tendencies behind.
so yes, books!! please send me recommendations if you have any!

2. manage your money! ugh, where to start with this. i have an incurable disease of unwisely spending.. and managing my money. though i prefer to think that sometimes i am just extremely generous and altruistic, reality is telling me that i am more often stupid and selfish. if i want to be a good giver, i should work to have the financial means to do such. also, i really don't want to have to ask my parents for some cash when i am completely 0'd out of my account (happens too often..). if i have a job and get a paycheck, i need to save up! it's biblical too.

3. get in shape. yea, i know, so cliche blahblah. but seriously, i am disgustingly out of shape. colin and i had a revelation today that if our 20's are supposed to be our prime, shouldn't we be taking advantage of the fact that we will never have even the opportunity to be this in shape again?? that we might never be able to eat a bunch of crap at night and have our metabolism take care of  it (wait, what resolution was i talking about again..)? gotta look my best while it's still possible lulz. also, winter break is the most ideal time since i wont be caught up in schoolwork.

4. stop making the same mistakes. i have a bad habit of never learning from my mistakes, even despite the consequences. if anything, i feel that the consequences help me acclimate to my mistakes with thoughts like "that wasn't so bad.." "i've already done it before so.." NO, SHUT UP. if i've made that mistake, i will never make it again. learn, grow, change, ya stupid!

5. spend more time with the people i love. the events of late have been reminding me about how uncertain everything about life is. i mean, who could really have expected a psychopath to murder innocent children? how would i ever losing someone i love? i think if it ever happened again, my biggest regret would be the things i coulda/ shoulda/ woulda said and done. though i'll probably feel that way regardless, i am committing myself to at least allowing myself to know that i tried while i could. and along that line, i want to spend more time with the God i love. the semester was full of inexcusable excuses about things i needed to get done, etc. but with no room for excuses, i hope i can use my time as wisely as i will use my money.

6. build a better work ethic. i have become so lazy, so content. hopefully the getting in shape and even the adherence to these resolutions will help, but this is one thing i really need to get done before i return to school next semester. my grades alone should be indicative of why this is crucial. as i've been catching up with friends or even just observing strangers, i realized that i have 0 work ethic if my mind's not set. if i'm not interested, there is no hope, hah. that is not okay. a good work ethic includes (but is not limited to): trying my best in every thing, big or small; sacrificing other pleasures/ irrelevant things if needed; prioritizing; staying organized; and (this should be the minimum.. but) attending class. this will need a lot of work.. good thing i have a month!

even as i typed these resolutions, my mind was protesting the idea of even bothering to try to keep these promises. hm. first thing to get rid of is definitely my negative mindset.

anyway, wish me luck! i shall try to update after break about my progress :)

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